
sisters having fun

What a blast we had! While visiting in California, I was persuaded by my brothers to partake in a game of paint ball. We piled on the clothing for fear of getting bruised by our adversary’s attack, and wore the special face mask. I was scared somewhat, and did a lot more hiding than attacking. I did end up with one bruise on my leg. We paired up in teams and dodged about through the manzanita trees and other foliage about, especially conscious of the twigs that would break underfoot. We worked up a sweat, and had some good laughs afterwards. Posted by Picasa

Here is a poem I wrote, inspired by the birth of my sister....

New Arrival

Finally the day had arrived
Anxiously I’d awaited
For months I’d counted the days
Thinking maybe this time a sister I’d receive
Although my hope was unsteady
Three times before
New brothers mom had bore
Waiting, waiting,
I anxiously paced
Pa said all was well
It’s healthy and mom is fine
Soon on my way I was to see
My heart crushed as I heard
‘You’ve got to be happy with what we’ve got’
It was not to be this time, I knew
Crimson cheeks and aqua eyes
Filled me with delight
With jubilation I was encased
As the name on the fragile wrist I did read,
‘Ellen Kate’
So delirious was I,
how the hat of pink had escaped my eye!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that was so fun!! I am glad that you were on my team!