

from the "Return of the Bird Tribes"

"Let the thickness of your skin be as thick as the bark of the great tree, but your heart as open as air, the sky, the universe; and understanding and love will come pouring in".

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from The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

"In the whisper of the pines, in the gentle call of the morning dove, in a child's sleepy yawn, the new world comes dawning through the façade of the late 20th century human world it shines, a world of shimmering potential, a world of beautiful light, a world where human beings do not behave violently toward one another in thought, word or deed. It is a world of understanding and cooperation, a world of abundance in which the human spirit, freed from the shackles of self-centeredness, flies on the wings of love, leaving a trail of joy, wonder and trust.