
more and more and more snow...

It has been snowing ALL day long. It's beautiful, gorgeous and breathtaking. I was sharing a story with my friend about my fond memories of the occasional snow that we had growing up in northern California. It happened perhaps every five years... or so it seemed to me.

The specific time that sticks out in my mind is having an exhilarating snow fight with my dad and brothers and sister (don't remember mom...hmm). So anyway, my dad was quite good at packing quite a hard snowball. I didn't think it was quite fair with my small hands, struggling desperately trying to make anything quite as effective as his rock hard snowballs.

Well, I somehow caught sight of a baseball, and in an instant, without thinking about it, covered it with snow, to make my own 'snowball'. Let me tell you, the instant it was freed from my hand and on it's way to the center of my dad's forehead, I reconsidered things! Funny how our mind works that way! It was almost like a Matrix moment... in slow motion I could see the path of destruction... I yelled out to warn my dad...which is it again that travels faster- sound or snowball?? Oh yeah. Snowball. Good thing he had a hard head.. and all of the children took after him~

"Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep."
Carl Sandburg

1 comment:

S. said...

It used to snow here. Not any more. It's frightening.