
let it fall

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“Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.”




**eating coconut almond bites from Trader Joe's listening to Fool's Gold soundtrack (great reggae sounds) with coffee brewing and the snow falling**...
My toes are still a bit cold from going outside and getting the pictures. My firewood got snowed on and last night it took about 10 tries to get it burning. But ahhh the smell and warmth of the pinon burning is so worth it.
So the current temperature is 23F but it feels like 13F according to MSN weather. Maybe I shouldn't be listening to the tropical sounding music right now! It's quite deceiving. But nice.


“How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said.”


life throws a curve


I know I am strong. Circumstances can push you to be stronger.
As he says-

"Everything is going to be ok"

I'm trusting that right now.
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