

'Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.'

~ from Sweet Darkness by David Whyte, 1992

I am peeling through the layers,
realizing some of them protective
and adaptive to situations,
things I had become accustomed to for various reasons.
I had long talks with myself this week.
Took time for solitude and enjoyed the
company. I have had so much going on,
so many decisions and distractions
this year that I had lost touch with myself. A little bit.
I realized traits I've developed that don't feel like
me, I've been analyzing them lately. A few friends offered some input and an ear, my sister and mom & dad... I appreciated their viewpoints.
I've missed my nature walks I routinely took before I moved here to the city this year (ahh... so cleansing to the soul)... I must seek out the opportunities that are around me here...
They say change is good. And I am the first to say I love change. Something to add variety and excitement to life, to break you out of routine... Not that I can't be content with things as they are, but always looking for new ways of doing, seeing, feeling, tasting, touching, smelling..... BEING...
Saying goodbye to some people,
and hello to some new,
Revisiting old friends,
meshing with the present and
all that has changed with life
to bring us to where we are now.
Enjoying the moments of laughter,
and heart pounding excitement.
Tears being shed along the way, to make room
for more Love and joy.... although much is guarded
I can sense within me, and it's hard to realize that... but Time
is a good thing...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thats a very beautiful poem!