



The wind was constant and warm. Although we hiked for 2 hours, there was no chance for a drop of sweat to form, as the breeze carried away any possible thought of perspiring. This morning I am not sore for the walking, rather I hurt from the sun kissing my arms just a little too long...

Spring cleaning comes naturally to me. It's a physical and mental experience, clearing away and making room for that which is fresh and new. I felt the need to delve into some theraputic cleaning last night, organizing and sorting that which I had not looked into for some time. I became so completely engrossed in my endeavors, that I did not notice the time passing and never ended up watching the movie I had intended on completing my day with. Instead, I laughed out loud, and ended up crying too. I became delightfully surprised when I found 200.00 in my stationary box that I had forgotten about.
Ahh... now I am ready for April to begin.

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